יום חמישי, מרץ 15, 2007


Another time-wasting quiz

Well, this is not nearly as interesting as the Belief-O-Matic (see left sidebar link, under the "Welcome"), even it if is also at Beliefnet. But it's hot today, I'm tired (blaming the time change for that), and I needed a time-waster, apparently.

What kind of Jew are you?

Well, I took it, notwithstanding that the really accurate answer would be none at all--yet. Formalities and institutional imprimaturs aside (and having to finesse a question or two that was not relevant to me), here is what the "quiz" said:

You are a Tzimmes Jew.
Like this Sabbath-evening fruit and sweet-potato side dish, your Jewish identity is highly traditional, even as it adapts with changing times. A basic recipe is supplemented with various individualistic flourishes. Judaism plays an integral role in your life, though your identity is not defined solely by it.
Yep, that's me: Traditional, adaptable, individualist!

Other possibilities, for comparison:

Lukshin Kugel Jew.
Like the traditional noodle kugel, your Jewish identity has withstood the test of time to remain relevant and meaningful to you. The kugel's recipe has been passed unchanged from generation to generation, like the Judaism you practice.

Haroseth Jew.
Like this Passover fruit and nut mixture, your Jewish identity can take any number of forms, each blending tradition and innovation. Your cultural and ethnic ties to Judaism are stronger than your religious ones. Your religiosity and Jewish identity often revolve around holidays, lifecycle events, and other special religious times are important to you.

Blueberry Bagel Jew.
Like this blend of Old World Jewish (the bagel) and New World secular (the blueberry flavor), your identity retains ties to its past, even as you have chosen to forge a new path.Your connection to Judaism is cultural, rather than religious, and your identity does not tend to center around Judaism.


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