יום שישי, פברואר 16, 2007


New version of Blogger

I upgraded to the new version of Blogger. Among many nice new features is the ability to add labels to posts (indicating their topics). Among the not-so-nice features is that if you want to go back and add labels to old posts (which seemed like a good idea), it updates the time stamp. So your old posts become "new." I tried manually back-dating (when I could figure out what the original date might have been), but it does not work. The software insists on giving the new date and time.

So, now I have a post about "last week's" Haftarah for Sh'mot that is dated today. Ugh.

If any other bloggers happen upon this and know a solution, please drop a comment here. It would be really nice to be able to add labels to old posts (or, for that matter, correct errors I might catch in re-reading an old post) without the software treating it as new.

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