יום שישי, פברואר 16, 2007


New Year for Trees

Tu B'Shevat is coming right up. As the OU explains, it is one of four Rosh HaShanahs on the Hebrew calendar, in this case the one for trees and their fruit. So, get out and plant a tree! But not on Tu B'Shevat Tu Bishvat,* for like so many other holidays in 5767 (e.g., the Rosh Hashana, Sukkot, and Chanukah), this one, too, falls on Shabbat. So, plant one on Friday and one on Sunday, and they will be a year apart in age!

With February starting, another "new year" is right around the corner: Pitchers and catchers will soon be reporting!

Indeed, winter must be coming to an end.

Chag sameach!**

* Thanks for BZ for the "Shewa Fight" link. In 2006, BZ had an extensive discussion of this, complete with Google rankings of the various alternates.

** It is not technically a holiday, but it's close enough!

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