יום חמישי, אפריל 19, 2007
It's all the Reformers' fault
The Reformers started in Germany,... Those redactors of the Jewish faith began in Germany. We learn from this that it is forbidden to attempt to change Judaism. [...]
It is not a coincidence that the Holocaust began in Germany... Whenever Jews try to act like goyim they are punished. It happened during the Spanish Inquisition and it happened during the Holocaust.
Amazing that one of the supposed leaders of the Jewish community could even imagine such a connection.
From such a definitive black-and-white plays of certainty Reform is an abomination and betrayal to the covenant. With a view of G-D that is both paternal and correctively wrathful towards a tribe that strays, none of this is that surprising.
I mean it is pretty well spelled out in the second paragraph of the Shema after all.
Beware lest your hearts be seduced and you turn astray and serve G-D's of others and bow to them. Then the wrath of Hashem will blaze against you. He will restrain the heavens so there will be no rain and the ground will not yield its produce. And you will swiftly be banished from the goodly land which Hashem gives you.
Certainly the above passage can be taken with little extrapolation to be understood that those Jews who turn away from G-D and the covenant will be cut off from his sustenance and protection both spiritually and corporeally.
I would also add that this passage of the Shema is one traditionally removed (although I understand it's cautiously being reintroduced) from any Reform reciting of this prayer. I suppose that's just more fuel to be thrown on the flames by the ultraorthodox.
Anyhow I'm certainly not suggesting that his comments were ones that I support or beneficial in the least. I'm just not surprised that they were made.
Shabbat shalom
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