יום חמישי, יוני 21, 2007


Atheist siddur?

Wait, that's an oxymoron, right? Excerpts and very lively discussion at Jewschool.

My favorite from the comment thread: When someone appeared to suggest this would be as bad as adding "imahot and Jesus" to the Amidah, and someone else asked if that commenter really meant to equate imahot and Jesus, Amit said:

sounds good to me: “magen avraham, poqed sarah, vetzolev yeshua”

I must admit that I needed to go to the dictionary to check out what a couple of those key words meant, but after doing so, I thoroughly second Radical Cleric's follow-on:

That’s fantastic. I love it. Anyone who doesn’t know Hebrew, this phrase is so funny it should make you want to learn it. ‘Schoiach to Amit.
I think I am going to have to make a point of keeping up with Amit's blog.

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